Monday 15 August 2011

An interesting day indeed

Hey folks,
so I have not been the best blogger, and I take full responsibility for my disappearance. I won't bore you with excuses, but I'm back. So today started out pretty well, I woke up without a headache, went to class, had a lot of laughs in and out of class, ran some errands, and then settled down at my friend's place to do some artsy stuff.
It went pretty darn well, I didn't know I had it in me, but that isn't the point I came here to convey. I have a midterm tomorrow, so my friends and I tried to study, but when that didn't work, we started watching TV and sampling some wine (which was pretty badass) and as usual, I got hungry and decided to go get some food from Taco Bell. I went downstairs, got into my car and tried to turn on my car... it did not start, and that dear friends is where it became a terrible day.
I went back upstairs to my friend's apartment, hungry and irritated, then I sent a text message to another friend whom I had given my car over the summer. Long story short, my car got raped before I went home in June and I had asked how much the repair would be... well, I got my answer today. The repair for my car will cost a little under $1000, which is money I do not have. Anyways, I will jumpstart my car tomorrow and personally go around town in search of a better deal.

Wish me luck, and as always, thanks for being there for me.

The Upset Nigerian

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